
CNCS Accounting is a full-service firm offering first-class services which include: Audit and Investigation, Tax Management, Accounting Services, Filing of Annual Returns & lots more.

Shehu Olaleye
March 25, 2020 at 4:00 pm
Website Design, Logo Revamp, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing, Social Media Integration, Google My Business Verification



CNCS Accounting was faced with a problem of:

  • A poorly designed logo which didn’t resonate well with their customers.
  • Getting the right company that really understood what they and could come up with a simple but yet functional website.
  • Creating a valid online presence thus boosting their trust among accounting firms in Nigeria.


cncs accounting

Novate Designs unleashed their unique voice on the Internet and helped promote their brand and increase engagement in the following way

  1. Our team had an online meeting with the company representative to get a clear view of all their achieveable goals.
  2. Our team designed a user-friendly and 100% responsive website and also integrated social media platforms particularly Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to further boost the brand awareness and generate more leads.
  3. Our team made sure all images and codes were cached for faster loading to improve user experience.
  4. Our graphic designers came  up with a unique and functional Logo for the company.
  5. We made sure all scripts and codes were updated to the latest web standard thus increasing the security layer on the website.


So far, the website has created an avenue for business to find out more about their services and how they can contact the company to request a quote. This effort has positioned the company for an increase in leads and conversation; they will also be able to compete healthily with other accounting firms in Nigeria.

Client's feedback

“I’m indeed impressed by the quality of their work and the swift delivery. I highly recommend them.”